Welcome to the Dare To Un-Lead podcast!
In this introduction to the podcast, we briefly present what you can expect from the show, some of the topics we address (hint: more than leadership!), our first guests and why they’re invited
Join us!
Goodbye leadership? In a fast changing world, we must reinvent how we lead. After a landmark book, this podcast explores ways by which organizations, executives but also any worker can transform collective work and achieve better outcomes. Join Celine Schillinger’s guests as they unravel old beliefs and offer new ways of leading - or unleading!
In this podcast, we explore the themes addressed in Dare To Un-Lead: The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World. We will talk about leadership of course, and freedom, accountability, agency, systems leadership, living organizations, networks, social media, diversity, community engagement, corporate activism, and more. Whether you read the book or not doesn’t matter: the show can be approached as a deeper exploration of or as an introduction to un-leading.
The trailer introduces some of the guests – thought leaders, advisors, friends – who get to share their experience and wisdom across the podcast episodes. We hope you’ll join us and let us know about your own experiences! How do you unlead?
Dare To Un-Lead was recognized in January 2023 as the Porchlight Leadership and Strategy Book of the Year.
Curious to know more?
Read Dare To Un-Lead: The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World.
Read the book reviews https://weneedsocial.com/the-book and https://weneedsocial.com/blog/2023/1/13/leadership-book-of-the-year
Get in touch with me!
LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/celineschillinger
Instagram instagram.com/dare_to_un_lead/
Twitter twitter.com/CelineSchill
YouTube youtube.com/c/CélineSCHILLINGER
This podcast is produced by Lagor Services - Business Podcast Experts www.lagorservices.com
Do you think leadership matters? I do. But aren't you tired as I am of the glorification of a certain type of leadership, which seems to be good neither for people, nor for business, nor for the planet. What else can we do instead? How can we act effectively to lead teams, organizations, or any form of human collective in today's fragmented world?
This is the question I asked in my book, Dare to Un-lead, which has been, to my great surprise, and joy, recognized as the 2022 Leadership Book of the Year by PorchLight in the US. Now, I want to explore the question further in this podcast.
Here you won't be given grant leadership lessons by senior executives. They already have plenty of forums to speak in. No. Let's do something more informative and more useful. Let me invite you into my network or a part of it, at least. In the course of my corporate change work. I have been inspired and supported by some amazing thinkers.
Thought leaders who examine these patterns, the dynamics of human systems, the impact of technological disruptions, the opportunities that are closing and those opening up in the world of work and business. Their ideas have helped me create exciting new possibilities, innovative and successful ways of doing things. And some of these thinkers have even become mentors and friends. These are the people I suggest we listen to.
Guests on the Dare to Un-lead podcast are experienced practitioners, astute observers, iconoclasts, people I deeply respect and love. Each episode is short to get to the point. The rest is in my book and in the additional resources posted below each episode, this is your opportunity to pull some of the threads weaved in the book and to learn from exceptional people such as Living System Thinker; Myron Rogers ,work anthropologist; Stowe Boyd, leadership advisor; Lois Kelly, Changemaker; Susan Scrupski or Designer; Lee Bryant, master of Network; John Husband, and more. Our dialogues provide original insights into how digital enabled people focused collective work practices deliver results, and what kind of leadership effectively supports them.
In the book review associated with their award, Porchlight writes that Dare to un-lead boldly calls for the radical deconstruction of our historical and hierarchical assumptions about leadership. None of this would've been possible without the ideas offered by my guests.
PorchLight also writes equal parts, radical and practical, the impassioned yet deeply researched, Dare to Un-lead will challenge everything you think about leadership. Expanding both your vocabulary and your vision.
So join me in this podcast as I pursue the quest for ways to tackle together from our workplaces, the immense challenges of our times. Leadership does matter and we can change things for the better when we dare to un-lead.